Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Not Dead, Just Busy

Long time no post! Time really flies by fast when you're in school...part of the reason my posts on here drop during the year is because I'm a full-time student, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...this semester is particularly busy because I finally got a lab job!!! Although I work part-time it's still a great experience and I found out I love lab work soooo much more than just sitting in class...not sure how it is at other labs but I like going in there and mostly being left alone so I can just do my thing measuring and working with soil. I was also accepted into a leadership program in my college for top-performing students and I'm running a club so that doesn't help in giving me free time lol...

Regarding kits! 

This is the state of my Amaterasu kit...she's pretty much all washed, holes are drilled in, and bubbles were puttied but I'm stuck on puttying/gluing everything together and then just spraying the whole thing white...I really want to use my airbrush for this kit but I don't have the slightest clue how to use it so I'm a little intimidated lol. I should just look up some tutorials or something...

Other than that school and Animal Crossing consume my life. I've also started the new Mario & Luigi: Dream Team since I'm a big fan of the Mario RPG series. It's pretty fun so far but I'm not getting the same sense of entertainment as the last favorite was definitely Partners in Time and none of the new ones have lived up to that so far. Some of the characters in this one really piss me off too lol. Overall it's a fun ride (who doesn't want to see dozens of Luigis on the screen) and maybe it's because I haven't played enough but that's just it, it's a ride that I probably wouldn't take again.
Sadly I really don't have that much more to say...most of it would probably relate to school or club stuff and those certainly aren't good topics for a GK Blog. Until next time!